Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS)

2019 Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS)

The Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS) was established in 2015. This is a joint initiative by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the United Arab Emirates. The primary objective of this year’s Summit, which took place on July 9–11, 2019, was to establish a strong connection between manufacturers, governments and NGOs, investors and technologists working in cutting-edge technological industries in order to find common solutions that answer various challenges to the global economy. The Summit program included different keynote speeches, discussions, and workshops that were attended by participants from all over the world.  

Organization of such an event requires concerted decisions on a multitude of tasks that include registering participants, informing participants in a timely manner, providing access to the event venues, and more. Furthermore, each specific event has certain unique features, attendees speak different languages, and the time it takes to organize and hold events has to be kept in mind during preparations as well. The #1 Event Management System provides organizers a way to successfully resolve such tasks in a shorter span of time and, thanks to automation, with fewer resources spent. This is achieved through standard and custom modules that may be developed for each specific event. In this case, 39 modules were implemented for the Summit. These were used for processing information on participants, bulk mailing of letters and invitations, accreditation and access control. Once again, EMS1 proved to be an invaluable tool for organizing events on such a large scale:

  • 64 accreditation workplaces established;
  • 13,886 badges issued;
  • 82 indoor checkpoints were set up to control access to the venue;
  • 82,904 entries registered by the access control system;
  • 46,787 information emails sent out to participants.

As a result, EMS1 simplified and expedited the organization process of a large-scale event on an international level.


Eventing the Future